Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Attention whore

In my world D seems to be a bit of an attention whore.  Every time I go somewhere or try to accomplish something with out focusing on D it has to pop out it's head and demand "look at me!" 

I went to get my hair done and D took center stage, I took David to get pictures taken and D tried to mess up the fun.  I could go on and on. It's become kind of a joke.  I have come to expect a call from school when I go to Costco or try to meet a friend for coffee.  If I stay home (where I am more likely to be thinking about D) then all is well.  No pump problems, no weird BG numbers, no bolus questions, usually at home I get nothing.

Even my anniversary, my husband took me to a movie and I missed part of it standing in the lobby talking the gracious friend who was watching Bekah and David through a pump issue. 

This week took the cake.  D managed to not just annoy me with it's antics but it actually pissed me off a bit. 

I have a dear friend who is going through a really rough time. I went over to her house to try to help, or even just listen to what was going on and let her vent.  I just wanted to be there for my friend.  The school called 2xs during the time I was there.  I had to cut our visit short and go pick Bekah up from school.  The me before D would have been there most of the day helping with kids, laundry, running errands and wouldn't have left until I knew there was a hot meal waiting for her family.  Instead I could barely even concentrate on our conversation becuase I was worried about Bekah.  My friend understands but she shouldn't have to.  I am sick of everyone having to sacrifice because of this beast to manage disease! 

I know I am not alone in this, most of my readers deal with the same stuff.  I just needed a to vent.  I feel better now, thanks!


  1. Im sorry about your friend and your rough week.

    D is sooo an attention whore. And of course seeks it through being bad.

    Hope this week is better and brings you loads of sunshine!

  2. I agree it is very, very all consuming - I keep thinking of that scene in Aladdin where Genie says, "phenomenal cosmic powers...itty bitty living space." I think of all the power d has over our lives and how it is contained in this tiny beautiful little boy of mine. How his body has gone awol in fixing things and instead went nutso the wrong way and now nothing is ever the same. I am thankful for the technology and all the great variety of information available about t1d, but darn it if a cure isn't just the only thing that will truly make this all better. I keep saying to friends, "yes, insulin is a treatment, but not a cure. Nobody should live like this, no child, adult or family."
    I hope your friend is alright and Bekah too. It's tough to be frustrated when the thing that is so infuriating is within our loved ones, huh?!
    Take care :)

  3. Yup I hear ya... It's always in the way

  4. I know...total attention hog. I even dare say it is more of an "Attention Ho" than ME. And that is saying SOMETHING! LOL.

    I hope "D" stays at bay for awhile so that you can just enjoy!!! xoxo

  5. Nothing like trying to have a life to make d play up. We had a rough time constantly while trying to christmas shop! Argh! I feel your pain sometimes You wish it would take backseat while it insists on shotgun!

  6. D is for disappointing, disturbing and disrespectful!!!! I'm so sorry you've had so many maddening moments with D lately! Hope D begins to cut you a break at least every now and then!

  7. I call it a Drama Queen! Can't be our of the spotlight long... And will don anything for attention. Ugh!!

    I'm sure your kindness meant and spoke volumes! But I get your frustration!!

  8. Amen, sister! When you are prepared or have time for an issue, everything's fabulous; when you want or need to focus on something else, all D-hell breaks loose! Just.plain.sucks!

  9. Sorry about the stress! I HATE when D has to be center stage. Those days when you just don't want to deal with it, are the days it's the worst! Hope things go smoother! Have a wonderful, super Easter :)
