Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Dia-versary Bekah!

Today is the day we will celebrate for years to come that God let us keep you here on earth a while longer.  I know that Heaven is an amazing place and no offense but I hope I get to see it before you do my sweet girl.  There is so much more for you to do and lives for you to impact.  You are simply amazing!  I am so proud of your strength and bravery!

When I see your face
There’s not a thing that I would change
Cause you’re amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you’re amazing
Just the way you are

Happy Dia-versay Bekah-boo!  

Here is a sneak peak at the banner that will be at the party tonight.  (it's 6 feet by 3 feet)  I feel so blessed that my friend would donate her time talent and resources to do this for us.

PS  the giveaway winner was comment #26 
Joanne said...
I think that is one of the sweetest things I've read in a long time. Bekah is lucky to have such a great cousin! Congrats, Joanne!  You have 48 hrs to email me at timm.heidi@gmail.comto claim your prize


  1. Happy Day for all of you Heidi. I hope that "D" behaves himself!

    Love the banner. That is such a great idea...and congrats to Jo!

  2. Happy Dia-versary Bekah!! I hope you have a wonderful time at your party!!

    Love the banner :)

  3. Aw, I hope you all have a great time celebrating! Before I started reading the D-Mom blogs, I never gave much thought to my "dia-versary." It was just another day in my mind, and I'm actually not sure I remember the exact date I was officially diagnosed. Maybe it's because I self-diagnosed myself and I knew even before I did the test...but now after reading all these blogs, I think celebrating is a wonderful idea, especially for the kiddos.

  4. You guys have come so far in a year! T and Bekah were diagnosed just weeks apart and I am so grateful to have you on this journey with us. Sending you, Bekah and your family lots of love today as you celebrate a year of health. Mwah!!!

  5. Happy, Happy Day Bekah! I hope you all have a wonderful day and that you CELEBRATE it tonight in style!

  6. Hope you have a great celebration of life!!! Wish I could be there, but know I am thinking and celebrating in my heart with.

  7. Love the banner!
    Happy Dia-versary!!

  8. LOVE the banner! I've been thinking of you today.

    Rememeber Bekah is still the same little girl.....just a little bigger and a lot smarter!

    (Sadly, I smarter and bigger, too!!!)
