You may remember from yesterday's post that the pump was supposed to be here by 10:00 AM. 10:00 came and went and no UPS man, no pump. Tick, tick, tick...still no pump. I checked outside all around the door, looked down the street for the infamous brown truck, nothing. Lots of deep breaths, tick, tick, tick. At 10:30 my husband called the pharmacy to get the tracking number to see what has happened to our promised 10:00 AM delivery time. Apparently the shipping department failed to see the 10:00 AM and the pump was on it's way, next day air, with a 3:00 PM delivery time. By the time he got through the hold music and to a real live person, the time was 10:50, too late to cancel the Animas rep who was scheduled for 11:00 AM to do our training.
Our rep showed up at 10:55 and decided that she would walk us through some information and place an infusion set on Bekah so that she knew what it felt like prior to the real deal. Bekah was a bit apprehensive so I decided I would go first. The rep showed me how to place the set and just before we put it on the doorbell rang. YES!! It was the UPS man and our pump.

We had ordered the inset 30s because I was told they would work better for someone with less fat on their body. (A regular inset is placed at a 90 degree angle and just goes straight in with a 6mm cannula and a 30 goes in at a 30 degree angle with a 13mm cannula) I placed both types on me, one in each leg. Bekah picked the location so we'd be the same. The regular inset I didn't even feel. The 30 hurt like H-E-double hockey sticks and sent shooting pains down my leg. I put on a great poker face though =). I don't think Bekah had a clue.

Next it was Bekas turn. No magic cream (I didn't even ask about it). She cried at the thought of going next. We talked about how something new can be scary. I told Bekah I was nervous too but it really didn't hurt. (I wasn't lying, the regular inset didn't hurt and that was the one I was placing on her). I got the prize box down and as soon as she decided what her prize would be for being brave (she chose a sparkly sand filled lady bug), Bekah climed up on Daddy's lap and before she even knew what was happening, I had placed the inset. Easy, breasy, beautiful! =)

We hooked it up to the pump with no insulin and learned about each screen and how to do a bolus and set basal rates etc. Bekah is still wearing the inset with the pump attached and we have done a couple of practice boluses. She giggles each time and says it tickles. (After the rep left I called the pharmacy and ordered regular insets in pink-I'm hoping they will grant our wish of pink insets.)
Today hit another big milestone for me. Bekah had her first away play date. This afternoon she went to play at a friends house. I have only left her with her dad since she was dx in March. Every time we get together with friends, either I stay or they come to us. It's not just any friend that I am leaving her with. This is another D-mom whose daughter was dx more than 5 years ago. They have been pumping for a couple of years. I will pick Bekah up later at a local park where we are having a meet up with other D-families.

edited at 12:00 AM 8/14
Our day got more interesting. We met up at the park and had a pretty good time. Bekah was sad to leave her friend. We left around 8:30 and headed home. Bekah had a couple of treats that we let go uncovered by insulin because we didn't know how active she would be at the park and it was a hot day so we weren't sure how the heat was going to affect her BG. David was begging for milk but it was to hot to nurse him in the car. I just wanted to get home so we could get everyone settled, feed David in an air conditioned house (nursing when it is hot out is not my favorite activity) and get the appropriate amount of insulin in Bekah.
My husband knew how bad I wanted to get home so he chose to ignore the gas light. We made it to our exit before running out if gas. Neither of us had run out gas since our teens so we had to discuss our plan. We have road side assistance on our insurance. Easy, we'll just call the number, they will send someone with gas and we'll be home with in an hour. Or so we thought.
It took the road assistance guy almost an hour to get there with the gas, meanwhile David is crying because I wouldn't get him out. He fights me almost every time I try to put him in his seat and the side of the freeway at night is no place for a car seat struggle. Plus Bekah's BG was high and she had to pee. The first two gallons of gas did nothing so the guy went and got more gas. Still the car would not start.
Jason and I were brainstorming what to do next. Our parents were out if town. We probably needed to call a tow truck. We called our son who was at home worried about why we weren't home yet and while we were on the phone with him, a friend of ours came by our house. We had him come get us in shifts and called the tow truck to come get the car. Once home (it was now nearly 11), I gave Bekah her Lantus and checked her BG ...342. We did a correction bolus and played around with the pump some more, doing fake boluses etc.
We all got home safe and sound and are hoping that the car starts fine in the morning. Did you have any crazy Friday the 13th happenings?
My husband knew how bad I wanted to get home so he chose to ignore the gas light. We made it to our exit before running out if gas. Neither of us had run out gas since our teens so we had to discuss our plan. We have road side assistance on our insurance. Easy, we'll just call the number, they will send someone with gas and we'll be home with in an hour. Or so we thought.
It took the road assistance guy almost an hour to get there with the gas, meanwhile David is crying because I wouldn't get him out. He fights me almost every time I try to put him in his seat and the side of the freeway at night is no place for a car seat struggle. Plus Bekah's BG was high and she had to pee. The first two gallons of gas did nothing so the guy went and got more gas. Still the car would not start.
Jason and I were brainstorming what to do next. Our parents were out if town. We probably needed to call a tow truck. We called our son who was at home worried about why we weren't home yet and while we were on the phone with him, a friend of ours came by our house. We had him come get us in shifts and called the tow truck to come get the car. Once home (it was now nearly 11), I gave Bekah her Lantus and checked her BG ...342. We did a correction bolus and played around with the pump some more, doing fake boluses etc.
We all got home safe and sound and are hoping that the car starts fine in the morning. Did you have any crazy Friday the 13th happenings?
Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I love the "same! photo". Can only imagine what might be going through their minds. Way to go on the first milestone with the new pump...hope you love it as much as we do! heartwarming!!!!! Love love love this post :) And that picture -- YEAH!!!! sweet that they have matching pumps.
ReplyDeleteSugar has a friend with a matching pump...very special bond :)
Sugar has been wearing the regular insets for almost 4 years and we've never had an issue. LOVE LOVE LOVE our PINK Animas Ping.....
This is GREAT news about the pump. I have a "PLAY DATE" Cheat Sheet on my blog too when you are ready to hit that milestone with a "NON-D Family" that is willing to have her over. I'll most-likely post it in the same fashion I have been doing my school postings. I am so glad to have found you from my blog. Thanks for the comment...I am sooo glad that I am helping decrease the workload for people. It drove me nuts that there wasn't more out there on this a few years ago when I was trying to get Joe situated in school.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I love your blog background...these flowers are COOL!