Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Diabetes Art Day

One of Bekah's favorite kindergarten activities was journaling. The kids would draw pictures and write about them. They were encouraged to just write the sounds they heard in the words, correct spelling comes later in their writing journey. I bought Bekah a journal to write about D from her perspective. Here are a few entries from her journal:

Translation from the kindergartenese (I love kindergartenese): When I feel low I feel hungry and shaky. When I am low I have to have 15 carbs to get it back up.


  1. I taught kindergarten...and I miss it! I LOVE the kindergartenese. Great job Bekah!!

  2. Love it! Great job Bekah!

    It is always amazing to see Diabetes through the kids' eyes!

  3. OH my goodness, this is so sweet. What a cutie!

  4. Oh my gosh! This breaks my heart so much. I wonder what my son will be journaling about D when he reaches Bekah's age.

  5. My kids love journaling like that, too. Please let Bekah know I think she's done a fabulous job! Keep writing and drawing, Bekah!

  6. WOW!!!!!!! That feels like more than art inside my Candy Heart.

    It's deep.


  7. What a great journal entry. Wen Im lo I fel chakee 2!!
