Wednesday, October 5, 2011

a moment of peace

These three (8 month old Kihembah, 5 month old Sarah and 2 yr old David) are all constantly vying for my time and attention.  Here they are pictured all sleeping in their own little "forts" (check out David behind the puppy crates)  I was putting away groceries from Costco and David decided the boxes would make a great fort.  At one point I looked around and said "David, where are you?"  I did not see his little shoe poking out of the fort.  A little voiced piped up "Nowhere".  I love that kid!  When I was done putting everything away I peeked inside and he was out like a light =)  Last night he was playing with a stick horse and Jason said "I think maybe you need to put your stick away, you are getting a bit crazy with it"  David replied matter-of-factly "Daddy, it is NOT a stick, it's a HORSE".  (there is actually a stuffed horse head on the end so he has a point)  Yes, my life is a bit crazy, but its my life and I love it!!  =) 


  1. Silly boy! Such fun indeed...and I can understand the feeling of crazy, but I like you wouldn't trade it. Although, an extra mocha or latte now and then would be nice :) Hope the rest of your week goes well, maybe a few more extra lovely moments of peace, too!

  2. Great to read about you and the cRaZiNeSs! Sounds like a super-awesome-fun-and-love-filled life Heidi. xo
